
The vast majority of Mossclan's territory comes in the form of marshland. While the water levels don't rise particularly high during the normal season, any cat who travels through here is bound to get wet. Lillypads and algae grow in the stagnant clear areas, though most of this land is covered in thick reeds and grass. It's hard to find high ground here, and it's easy to get lost. Only true Mossclanners can find their way home.
Standing between the pond and Mossclan's camp are the infamous Moss Beds from which this clan took its name. It's hard to say what exactly happened for this area to be nothing other than grass and moss, but the cats area sure to never run out of moss anytime soon. The footing here is quite soft, and many apprentices are trained in this area. While not much prey can be found here, if you do some hunting in the reeds and grass surrounding the area you might find some.
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Once still very much part of the river, this area has now turned into a pond thanks to a group of beavers. While the pesky animals are rarely seen, they're most definitely still around. This pond does house some fish, though quite a bit of prey can be found hiding among the trees that dapple the area. There's quite a bit of tall grass and reeds, and one would be lucky to come out of this area dry in any fashion.
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created by Ward last post by keinjair
Sept 13, 2019 5:28:50 GMT