
A rather large part of their territory, Skyclan cats hunt the mountainside for birds and eggs left in nests. Much of the mountainside can be treacherous, with rocks that can slip out from your paws and crumble beneath you. Cats have to be agile and quick to avoid causing a rock slide in these parts.
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As one nears the base of the mountain, a few brave trees try to grow. While this is by no means a forest, it helps to give the cats some other hunting opportunities. These trees seem to always be in a constant state of life and death, unsure of which side to choose.
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Perhaps the most breath-taking part of Skyclan is the waterfall. Cascading into a large pool beneath it, the cats can come here to swim near the shallow edges. However it has been warned to stay away from the base of the waterfall, as sharp rocks can provide a plummeting cat with death. The water is crystal clear, and almost always crisp and cool.
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4 replies
created by Ward last post by keinjair
Sept 13, 2019 5:28:50 GMT