
Here is where tryouts for high ranks will be held, and other important messages will be shared!
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INSIDE: Adoptables


Originally, Mossclanners had a camp near the beaver pond. But after flooding caused the loss of many lives, their camp was moved to a small hill far from the water. While this camp may not be beautiful, it's efficient and ensures no losses. Dens have been built into the base of the hill, some even making use of old badger or fox burrows. This is one place that Mossclanners can keep their paws dry.
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Mossclan territory is quite unique. These cats are furthest from the mountain where the river has been dammed by beavers and now turns into a marshy type of area. While their paws may be left wet by much of their territory, some of it remains fairly dry as layers of moss stack and create somewhat of a barrier from the water that seems to seep out of the earth. Trees dapple the area, especially around the beaver pond.


Alongside the river, cut into the bank lies a rock filled shoreline and the dens of Riverclan. Washed up trees and other debris make this look like a fairly useless area, but the cats have turned it into their safe haven. Their leader uses a large washed up trunk to make announcements, while the others run and play on the rock shore. Just don't get too close to the water, and watch for the occasional water rise.
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As the river flows further into the land it begins to widen and become more aggressive. Rapids start to form and some of the crossings become a bit much for cats to even attempt. But the cats of Riverclan are born to swim. The river twists and turns throughout the territory, which otherwise isn't consumed by much except for a mixture of trees.


With so many trees dominating this clan's life, it's no wonder that their camp is quite literally in the trees. These cats eat, sleep and breathe within the branches of the pine trees. With the help of a few older pines that have fallen, they have formed a nice camp with plenty of dens for young and old. It has been said that Pineclan kits learn to climb before they can walk.
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Pineclan territory is much of what you would expect it to be. This thick pine forest provides an abundant hunting supply. These trees are tall and health, many of them older than the clans remember. However it also is home to some rather terrifying predators and two-legs who seem to enjoy cutting down the trees. The waterfall from Skyclan carries a small stream through the forest, providing a soothing sound when close by. Eventually the pine trees do taper off, leaving a rather large clearing.


If you take one of the many rocky paths found in Skyclan you'll soon find yourself in the heart of their camp, but not without some luck. These cats have built their dens in small crevices and caves that they can find along the mountainside. Their main camp area is nothing more than a large flat area of stone with a few tufts of grass that dare try to grow through the hard rock. A large boulder sits among this area from which the Leader makes announcements and calls meetings.
These cats have situated their lives around the mountain. For the most part, their territory is very rocky and treacherous. However a waterfall cuts through the hard rock and eventually gives them a large pool of water. At some point, fish swam upstream and have given them a small population to try and catch. Though most of their prey comes from birds that nest in the rocks. Skyclan does have a sparse patch of pine trees to hunt in as well, but there's not much to use as cover when trying to stalk prey.
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Outside Lands

This small little village is quite cozy and quaint. There's not very many streets and just a few small shops keep the village up and running. A larger city is an hour or so away, but why worry about that when there's enough to keep a cat occupied? Kittypets run here and there, and a large community garden is a hot spot for get-togethers.
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Once the main route from the forest to the sawmill, this old bridge has since been put out of commission. With boards rotting and crumbling into the river below, one has to be light on their paws when crossing it! The structural support beneath the bridge is perfect for hiding out in, especially when the occasional downpour strikes.
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Because of the vast amount of pine trees that grow in the area, two-legs put up a sawmill operation down some choice gravel roads. This sawmill also provides jobs for the two-legs who live in the small village nearby. While this place can be terrifying, it also provides an area for loners and rogues to hang out. There's plenty of space to roam and areas to hide in. Who knows, maybe a door will get left open and you'll find yourself in a precarious situation.
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Somewhere in the midst of the forest, a branch of the river cuts off and spreads into a very wide and slow moving creek. This creek barely holds water, and often times dries up in the warmer months. Should one follow the creek they will find themselves suddenly under a large rocky overhang that seems to jut out from nowhere. Here is where the cats gather at every full moon to exchange information.
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Not far from The Overhang sit two large rocks propped against one another. However, upon closer inspection, a small opening can be found. Should a cat enter, they are introduced to a small and dark tunnel. This walkway is cramped but doesn't offer any other ways but forward. Eventually the tunnel opens into a roomy area, with a large pool and cracked ceiling. Sunlight and moonlight alike sift through the cracks and provide just enough light to shimmer off the surface of the water. Here is where medicine cats meet every half-moon to speak with Starclan.
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Here is where you can RP out scenes from your characters history that you would like to add more detail, or that simply sound fun or interesting to play out. These can be solo threads if you like, or they can be between multiple members.
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mrrps by naze
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